Kidwelly THE DVDsPart One: An Part Two: Industries Part Three: WW1 Onwards These
3 DVD productions of Kidwelly’s
historical past can now be purchased from: Thomas W. Lewis Tel: 01269 870742 Price:
£7.50 each
plus postage and packaging
Alternatively send an e-mail to: |
One’s film gives a brief insight into
Kidwelly's historic past. It sets out not only to inform the viewer but to do
so in an entertaining way. The majestic Castle and St. Mary's Church are
portrayed in some detail. A dramatic re-enactment portrays Princess
Gwenllian's stand against the Part
Two gives information and insight into
Kidwelly’s past industries such as tin, brick manufacturing and quarrying. Part
Three, the latest production (due for
release in September 2009) deals with Kidwelly from WW1 onwards. |
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